Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Enslavement to Capitalism

Our U. S. Monarchy
Capitalism makes sense because; how else could we exist? We exist as we're brought up and conditioned to exist. Earn money, buy stuff I say this is a monarchy, whereby capital (the corporate construct) is the king, that we collectively self-supp1cate to. Labor (people who spend money for survival resources vs. control money and production resources) subserves capital. The
extreme of this is slavery; whereby labor sub serves the perpetuation of capital, for no benefit.
ne can see from this paradigm that capital's survival position is to maximize ITS benefit of labor with the lowest expense to the source of the labor.
Capital is concentrated and unified. Labor is diffuse and fragmented. Capital is controlled by the very few big-money holders. Labor is controlled by capital, voluntarily. The control handles are petroleum (especially gas for combustion engines)', gridelectricity, megachurch worship, megasports worship, shopping worship, desire and acquisition brainwashing ... all our western neurotic neediness.
All hail king corporate construct. I wrote in a previous post of some measures to mitigate the enslavement to capital. Full dis-enslavement will come with traumatic and masscasualty economic collapse. The perverse backlash will be that the hungriest and most disenfranchised victims will wish for the king to reascend and comfort their willing slave souls. Only those who preparatorily mitigate their enslavement to capital will be able to free themselves.--
Sunday morn. off-the-cuff quickie for the blog. I'm told people tacitly feel the threat of economic doom, evinced by popularity of zombie apocalypse shows!
Love, Jason
Ft note 1-- the child molester of mechanical invention

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