Tuesday, June 20, 2017

What's the Goal

What's the goal?
The United States is the greatest country founded on genocide and slavery. Well, actually the ancient countries may have been better, at that time's standards. So, let's say the U.S. is the greatest modern country founded on genocide and slavery. As the Giovani Rabisi character in The Rum Diaries says before cranking up the Adolf Hitler vinyl on the turntable; “We killed the brown people that were here and replaced them with different brown people. Then we brought in Jesus, like a bar of soap." Then expiate with what; the industrial revolution, banking, and the modern military? That's like replacing my garden with a nuclear explosion. Thanks for the demonstration of faux democratic principles.
Before invasion North Americans only knew “success" in terms of task accomplishment for survival. Being not too hungry, not too injured, not too dead. Concepts of success and failure became necessary to fabricate a new slave class. What is your net worth? How long might you live – really live – without gas, transportation, a grocery store? The corporate slave masters don't want you to ever find out. Their well-crafted and heavily advertised plastic life is perfectly designed for you. Keep saving for a jet-ski and buying “better" cellphone service.
Do you know anyone who deviates, and really lives? Bums, right? Eccentrics, wierdos...flipped off the real circuit breakers in their house, to not use grid electricity, so they must have flipped their mental circuit breakers too. Alright, if you insist. How many beliefs have you lived long enough to discover were wrong?
That discovery is what the corporate construct wants you to never exercise. It is built into the culture; since it justified the founding genocide and slavery. Focus on money, as “success" via purchasing ability. Perform wasteful work, pay outrageous bills...do, do, do, pay, pay, pay.

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